Monday, September 30, 2013

Things I Remembered About Running

I have been working my way back to running.  The early morning spin classes were fun, but early.  And I had to drive there.  Random people would ask me if I ran and I would have to sheepishly say, "well, kind of."  I have been nagging my husband who is supposed to run a half marathon this month to get out and do some running before the event (pot, kettle.)  And I am signed up for The Color Run in October.  I have friends that are doing some most excellent running (and posting about it on Facebook.)  I know they are not deliberately rubbing their running in my face, and I celebrate their successes, but I feel guiltier and lazier with each successive post.  So I went for a run. And I remembered a few things while I was out there.

  • Even if you do nothing else all day, you feel like you have accomplished something.
  • If you have a whole list of things to do and run anyway, you feel like Wonder Woman.
  • No matter how many bumps and bulges there are, you feel strong in your running clothes.
  • It ensures you take a shower, no matter what.
  • Writing ideas?  Sure.
  • Your dog really enjoys the post-run cool down walk.  And so do you.
  • It sucks to be starting again.
  • I am a runner.


  1. You are totally a runner! Welcome back!

  2. That's right-you are a runner! Keep going! :)
