Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Mornings

As I sit here writing this, my right foot is getting a massage on my son's baseball.  I know tennis balls are more the ball of choice for this activity, but tennis balls release the crazy in my dog.  I am not doing this because I injured my foot, but as a preventative for the plantar fasciitis that keeps trying to make an appearance.  After I massage it a little more, I will switch out the baseball for a frozen water bottle and ice it for a little while.

I did head out for what was my usual Monday run.  2.6 easy miles.  I have been missing it for a few weeks because of the migraine drama.  Today, I decided to get over it.  I want to run.  So I will.  I will do everything in my power to minimize the risk of a migraine, but after that I will run.

It is getting light here later and later.  Without the sun coming through my bedroom window, I am once again relying on my alarm clock to wake me up.  Nothing crazy, I get up about 6:15.  This gives me half an hour to myself before I need to wake up the kids to get ready for school.  Part of the getting ready agenda this morning was my pre-run routine.  Then I  dropped the kids off at school and headed out for my run.  

It was a beautiful morning to run:  crisp, cool, sunny.  It would have been perfect if my pants didn't keep slipping down.  [Note to self:  Do not buy running pants unless they have a drawstring waist!]  As I ran, I got nice and sweaty.  This solved the pants problem; they just stuck to my skin and stayed in place.  After that it was smooth sailing until I came to the second to last turn and saw the road blocked by construction equipment.  As a creature of habit, this threw me for a second, but then I just kept going to the next street and went home the back way.  It wasn't a big change.  I doubt it changed the mileage.

When I got home, I grabbed a banana, a drink, and the dog and headed out for a walk. The walk down to the waterfront and back took longer than this morning's run. Carley and I both enjoyed it.  

Now, my run is behind me.  Even if nothing else on my to do list gets crossed off, I will feel like I had a productive day.  Happy Monday!

Today's Run:  approx. 2.6 miles.  31:15    12:01 min/mile.

What are you doing to start the week off right?

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