I did it! Another week of 6 AM classes...and no migraine!
The Turret at the base gym. I strategically pick my bike to avoid the morning sun. I would look more ridiculous wearing sunglasses inside. |
MONDAY: Spin. Joan, the instructor, likes "hills". Took it a "little bit" easy because of Friday's migraine.
TUESDAY: X Factor with Pat. Pat killed me. I knew when I was doing some of the exercises that I was rediscovering unused muscles and that I would be hurting. Surprise! I was right.
WEDNESDAY: Even though I was quite hobbled with hamstring pain. I got up and went to class. I thought the use and stretch would be good for me. It probably was, but it didn't alleviate the discomfort. On the upside, it only hurt when I moved, or when I was standing. My plan had been to sit on the couch all day. This plan was foiled when I was called in to substitute at the local library. So I spent 5 hours standing, and bending, and walking; basically all of the things that hurt.
THURSDAY: This morning I was absurdly grateful that my youngest daughter had to have three of her teeth pulled at 7:30 in the morning. I just couldn't do X factor at the gym and get her to her appointment. By late afternoon, even with the hamstring pain migrating down my leg so it was concentrated closer to my knee, I could almost walk normally.
FRIDAY: Oy! Getting up this morning was no problem. I was up 20 minutes before my alarm. As for the actual getting going--that took a bit longer. BUT, I did it. Spin class again with Joan. Tight, tight hammys. Again, I thought the class would help get those muscle moving and it did. The good news: the spin was only going to include two (2) hills. Yay! The bad news: the first hill was 18 minutes of climbing. The second hill was only slightly shorter. I met my goal today by just showing up. If I was pedaling more slowly than usual, well, that's okay.
I came home to a nice shower, scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast, and my super comfy yoga pants. I have no guilt.
How was your week?