Monday, February 24, 2014

Whole 30

Workout Day 23:                                                                               Whole 30: Day 1
Jumping on the bandwagon!

I hit the gym again today.  I slept in and didn't go to spin class because my gym buddy and I chose to hop on the virtual trainer bikes.  I like this option.  Something else I found out is that the virtual trainer mixes up the programs because I had a completely different workout today than I did yesterday.  And I am one workout closer to completing the challenge.

Since I have a pretty good handle on heading to the gym regularly, I am now going to work on changing my eating habits.

I have done a lot of reading about different diets, different lifestyle changes, different ways to eat.  I had been going back and forth between Paleo and South Beach, both of them having a lack of carbs in common, but hadn't fully committed to one or the other.    Since I have an all or nothing personality, I really needed to find a program that I could  commit to completely.  Then, a few days ago, a friend posted on her blog, The Patriotic Baker, about her family's results following the Whole 30 plan.  I picked up the book It Starts with Food at the library.  After reading it, it reinforced my belief that I need to get carbs out of my diet.  The hard part is going to be cutting dairy, but it's only for 30 days, right?  I am looking for some particular results which, according to the book, can be achieved through this way of eating:  1) An end to migraines, 2) reduction in inflammation (joint pain), 3) better cholesterol numbers,and  4) more energy.  According the the book, any weight loss is just a happy by-product of eating healthier and using food to heal your body.  I will take that too.

Have you joined the Whole 30 journey?

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