Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today a few things happened (or didn't happen, as the case may be).

I decided to stop the Whole 30.  Nobody at our house was enjoying it.  The kids acted like they were being tortured, my husband did a lot of whining, and I was beginning to seriously crave some cheese and popcorn.  And I knew that this was not a way of eating that I would continue.  It was way too restrictive.  And I like food too much.  I will continue to LIMIT the amount of carbs and sugar I eat, but I will not have a full out ban.  If I want to enjoy a bowl of pasta, I will.  And I will still eat Chili Dog Chili!

But I will have to keep going to the gym to combat all the yummy food. 

And on that note, I now have to go to the gym EVERY day up to and including the last day of the MYWAAC.  I just couldn't fit it in today.  

So, all in all, a banner day here.  No diet. No exercise.

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