Saturday, March 1, 2014

Almost OBE

Workout: Day 28                                                                              Whole 30: Day 6

I didn't make it to 8 o'clock spin class this morning because I took my oldest to a dance store in Smithfield.

I didn't get to the gym for the virtual bike trainer because I took my middle child to wander around Game Stop.

I tried not to workout today, but I knew I NEEDED to workout today.  Not for my health (although, yeah, that too), but because I had to work out everyday if I am going to complete the gym challenge I started in January.

So I did.  I pulled out the Pilates DVD again. It is the only workout DVD in the house.  I need to look into other at home options.

Done. When I go to the gym tomorrow.  I will log this in the workout book.  And log tomorrow's workout.  And be on my way to completing what I started.

Whole 30 was a success today.  Stayed on track.  And my friend delivered some Whole 30 compliant hot dogs so I can make Chili Dog Chili.

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