Monday, August 6, 2012

Sloth and Gluttony

Yesterday, I did nothing.  I never even got out of my pajamas.  Everyone was off doing summer things.  I stayed out of the yucky, sticky heat.  I enjoyed my time alone reading and eating some of the junk food hanging around the house:  cinnamon rolls, pizza, cheese sticks, and ice cream.  Obviously, I need to go to the store.  It's on today's to do list.

I knew I had to get out and run this morning.  Luckily Mondays are my short 2.6 mile run.  Sort of a recovery run after the weekend long run.  I slept in until 6:15 this morning, so I did get a late start.

One step out the door and I was soaked.  The streets were wet from last night's rain.  The air was thick and wet.  I had decided to try running with the iPod again. 

As much as I enjoyed the music, I ran into the same problem as I did on Saturday.  Listening to the music rather than my body.  I think I will save it for treadmill runs and long run emergencies.  I don't need it on the weekday runs.

It was a slow run this morning.  I don't know if it was due to yesterday's sloth and gluttony, the nasty, humid conditions, or if it was a result of the pace set by the iPod.  Whatever it was, it's done.  

Today's run:  2.6 miles.  31:26 minutes.

What are your exercise plans today?

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